Okay, the first picture is of Barack Obama! This is from the front...notice the yes we can at the bottom haha.

And here is the back...

I bought two of these, they're awesome. By the way, they also have the leading members of the republican party pooping. Catalonians do not discriminate when it comes to pooping dolls!
My friend uploaded pictures of the FC Barca futbol game, which was here are a few. This first one is me and my friend Kate before the game...Kate is the one who I hoped would turn out to be a British female soccer hooligan.

And here is just me and the field. Unfortunately, the sprinklers went off right as we were taking the picture.

Here is Barca after they scored their first goal. Kind of a crooked picture, but you get the idea.

And some boistorous Barca fans who taught me some new bad words in Spanish AND Catalan.

And finally here is a picture of me at a party with a bunch of friends from my Spanish school. I thought this picture was cool because of the crazy diversity that we have. In this picture, there are Brazilians, Germans, Italians, Americans, Japanese, Spaniards, Koreans, a Danish couple, a Greek guy, and the girls in the back left are Tahitians. Crazy, huh? I'm hidden in the back right, you can see my face poking out the top trying to rise above the tall Italian guy haha. I like this picture a lot. Also, notice we are all ages. Some of the people are in their 40's, some are in their 30's, and there are a lot of us in our 20's. But, these are all GREAT people and we are all friends.

This is the best I can do for now because I STILL don't have the cables I need to upload the pics from my own camera. The Spanish post office is a bit...difficult. I got some REALLY good pics for the future. This is just a starter =) And i'm still here for 3 more months, so when I go to Hungary/Italy/wherever I go i'll have some pics from there too. It's gonna be great!